Software and patches for your Software Development, IT Security Research, or Systems Administration work.
Cryptographic Implementations
Fuzz Testing Tools
Exploit Development Tools
- Windows 10 RS2/RS3 exploitation primitives
- shadow: A new, extended (and renamed) version of unmask_jemalloc, with support for Windows and WinDbg.
- unmask_jemalloc: A gdb/Python extension to explore how jemalloc applications (like the Mozilla Firefox browser) manage dynamic memory and aid the process of exploit development.
Systems Administration Tools
- withpass: Small utility that protects your password when using applications that require a cleartext password as a command line argument.
Penetration Testing Tools
- nmapdb: A Python utility that parses nmap's XML output files and inserts them into an SQLite database.
- wifiphisher: A tool for fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks