Articles with tag: Security
POSTED BY: CENSUS / 26.05.2011

Introducing the Parasite - AthCon 2011

CENSUS is happy to be participating for the second time at AthCon, the leading technical IT security conference in Greece! At this year’s conference, our researcher Nikos Tsagkarakis will be presenting the “Parasite”, a small device that is capable of creating a physical backdoor in an otherwise protected network.

POSTED BY: CENSUS / 17.05.2011


CENSUS is proud to have participated in FOSSCOMM 2011, the annual hellenic conference that brings together Free/OSS communities and developers for a 2-day marathon of talks, workshops and technical discussions!

POSTED BY: CENSUS / 26.04.2011

Protecting the Core - OWASP Greek Chapter Meeting

CENSUS researchers Patroklos Argyroudis and Dimitris Glynos will be presenting their Blackhat EU 2011 paper entitled “Protecting the Core — Kernel Exploitation Mitigations” at the upcoming OWASP Greek Chapter meeting in Athens.