
Emulating Hypervisors: a Samsung RKP case study (OffensiveCon 2020)

Hello, I'm Aris Thallas, a computer security researcher working at CENSUS. Back in February 2020 I had the pleasure of presenting my work on proprietary hypervisor emulation and bug discovery at the OffensiveCon 2020 conference.

Attacking Hexagon: Security Analysis of Qualcomm's aDSP (RECON MONTREAL 2019)

Attending Recon 2019 was an amazing experience with many interesting talks. I would like to thank the organizers for the excellent event and I definitely hope to return next year.

Hitting the Gym: The Anatomy of a Killer Workout (TROOPERS 2019)

On March 18th 2019 myself and Dimitrios Valsamaras delivered a presentation on cybersecurity vulnerabilities of "smart" fitness equipment, entitled "Hitting the Gym: The Anatomy of a Killer Workout" at the TROOPERS 2019 conference (NGI track).

Vs (CanSecWest 2019)

On March 20th 2019 I presented at the 2019 CanSecWest conference a talk on reverse engineering the Apple iOS sandbox kernel extension entitled Vs I really enjoyed the conference, traveling to Vancouver, and meeting a lot of people interested in my research.