
Lure10: Exploiting Windows Automatic Association Algorithm

Lure10 is a novel technique presented at the Hack-in-the-Box 2017 conference in Amsterdam that enables an attacker to automatically achieve a man-in-the-middle position against wireless devices running the Windows operating system. The attack requires no user interaction and exploits the "Wi-Fi Sense" feature found in recent versions of the Microsoft Windows platform.

Welcome to the jungle of mobile apps - Mobile Apps Panorama 2016

On September 23rd 2016 I did a 15' presentation on Mobile App Security at the Mobile Apps Panorama 2016 conference, which was held at the Maroussi Plaza venue in Athens, Greece. The title of the presentation was "Welcome to the Jungle (of Mobile Apps)".

Choronzon public release

Hello readers of the CENSUS blog, my name is Zisis Sialveras and I am happy to announce today the public release of our evolutionary knowledge-based fuzzer, Choronzon.

Getting the most out of Evil Twin with wifiphisher — BSides Athens 2016

My last year’s talk at BSides London introduced to the public Wifiphisher, a security tool that mounts the Evil Twin attack against Wi-Fi networks. The tool has since seen some heavy use by the wireless hacking community which has inspired further research into ways of making the Evil Twin attack more effective. This year, I was happy to discuss the results of this research in another BSides event which was held, for the first time, in my hometown — BSides Athens!